If you have a set of base documents into which you insert relevant information (e.g. names, addresses, dates and amounts) for each transaction document you do, then the I-Deal Docs Variable Prompt functions will be of use. Law firms, accountancy firms, and insurance organisations are typical users of I-Deal Docs. Basically, anyone generating repetitive documents can use I-Deal Docs to streamline their document assembly process.
The Variable Prompting functions of I-Deal Docs present a sequence of interview-like questions for each variable in a document. To allow this to happen, your template administration persons first use a simple variable definition function to define the details for each variable. As a minimum, each variable must be given a name/number and a description. For example, they might define a variable named 1 and give it a description of “Borrower’s Name” and a variable named 2 with a description of “Borrower’s Address”. There is no macro programming involved!
By default, all variables will be displayed on a single data-entry window. If you have many variables, or if you wish to create separate groupings of variables, you can easily break the data entry into multiple windows. For example, in a conveyancing document you might have a vendor details window, a purchaser details window, and a settlement dates and amounts window. I-Deal Docs will automatically display Next and Back buttons if you setup multiple windows.
The Variable Prompting functions also allow:
- Computed variables. These are variables that use the value of data entry answers as the basis of a calculation. For example, you could prompt for both a purchase amount and a deposit amount and have it automatically calculate the balance owing
- Conditional disabling of data entry. This allows for variables to be protected from data entry if a given set of conditions is true. For example, if you prompt for “Is the borrower an individual or a company?”, you could disable entry of an ACN if the user selects “individual”
- Conditional bypassing of data-entry windows. This allows for complete data entry windows to be bypassed if a given set of conditions is true. For example, you could bypass the data entry window for a third borrower if they didn’t enter details for a second borrower
- Automated removal of unwanted text, graphics, Tables, etc. Based upon the answers entered, I-Deal Docs can remove document content that is not required or relevant. For example, if you are prompting for “Is the borrower an individual or a company?”, you could remove either the company or the individual’s signing block based upon what is chosen
- Operator Notes. These allow you to setup instructional text that the user can see when answering the questions. There are two sorts of operator notes – high level notes that are always visible, and detailed notes that are not displayed automatically but which can be accessed via a button beside the question on the data entry window
- Insertion of employee details. Automatically inserts direct phone, fax, email, signing title, etc from the simple selection of an employee from a list of all of your employees
- Automated extraction of details from external databases. For example, prompt for a client number and automatically pull in the mailing name and address from a Practice Management database
- Automated inclusion of clause library items. Automatically pull in text, graphics, Tables, etc from your clause library. The items pulled in can be based upon the answers entered. This ensures that the latest versions are always used in the document
- Automated duplication of document text for repeating sets of answers. For example, you could allow entry of an open-ended list of plaintiff and defendant details for a Court form. Or you could allow entry of an open-ended list of amounts and descriptions for an expenses report. After data-entry, I-Deal Docs can make your document “grow” to use all the answers entered.