The Common Address functions allow you to centrally store and quickly insert commonly used addresses. These addresses can be organised into logical groupings or categories, such as Barristers, Courts, Real Estate Agents, and Law Firms. When searching for an address you then have the option to shorten the list by showing only addresses from a particular group. An address can be in more than one group.
Each separate common address entry is assigned a unique code. You insert an address into a document you are building by first entering the code into the document and then clicking the Common Address button on the ribbon. In this respect it is very similar to the Office AutoText function. The I-Deal Docs common address functions offer a number of advantages over Office’s AutoText function though, most notably:
- there is a search facility for when the address code is unknown
- addresses may contain prompting information for “variables” within the body text. You will be presented with a popup data entry window as the address is being inserted. For example, you could setup a general address for an organisation you deal with and make it prompt for a specific recipient’s name each time you insert that address
- reports can be generated showing details for each address
- each address can optionally store additional data such as ACN, email address, phone, fax, and mobile number. These additional details can be accessed and merged into documents via the Variable Prompt functions of I-Deal Docs
- the common addresses are not stored in globally loaded templates and will therefore not slow the starting of Word or Outlook.